
M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu May 31 04:10:54 UTC 2007


I set out on the great 7.2 upgrade, but didn't get very far:

sudo portupgrade -f -o ports-mgmt/portupgrade-devel portupgrade
===>  Cleaning for portupgrade-devel-2.3.0_5
--->  Cleaning out obsolete shared libraries
FFaattaall  eerrrroorr  ''Thread is not system scope.
Thread is not system scope.
''  aatt  lliinnee  331166  iinn  ffiillee  /hp/imp/p4/arm/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_sig.c/hp/imp/p4/arm/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_sig.c  ((eerrrrnnoo  ==  22))

FFaattaall  eerrrroorr  ''Thread is not system scope.
Thread is not system scope.
''  aatt  lliinnee  331166  iinn  ffiillee  /hp/imp/p4/arm/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_sig.c/hp/imp/p4/arm/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_sig.c  ((eerrrrnnoo  ==  22))

/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb:498:in `__system': Command failed [exit code 0]: /usr/local/sbin/pkgdb -aFOQ (CommandFailedError)
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb:521:in `__sudo'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgtools.rb:527:in `xsystem!'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgdb.rb:865:in `autofix!'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/pkgdb.rb:861:in `autofix'
        from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:507:in `main'
        from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:769:in `call'
        from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:769:in `main'
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:785:in `initialize'
        from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:220:in `new'
        from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:220:in `main'
        from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:2084

and now any attempt to run portupgrade gives:

FFatal error 'Thread is not system scope.
' at line 316 in file /hp/imp/p4/arm/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_sig.c (errno = 2)
atal error 'Thread is not system scope.
' at line 316 in file /hp/imp/p4/arm/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_sig.c (errno = 2)
Abort (core dumped)

I suspect it is threads related.

The full script of what I did is at



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