user error with pkgdb -F

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Fri May 25 20:14:36 UTC 2007

David J Brooks writes:

>  I screwed up... at the end of my portupgrade -a following the
>  Xorg upgrade.  kdemultimedia was left with one stale dependency,
>  akode-plugins-jack. So I ran pkgdb -F to pull it in if it had
>  somehow been missed. The script offered akode-plugins-xiph with a
>  score of 77%. I checked the version numbers, and they matched, so
>  I hit 'a' for all and instantly realized I had done the wrong
>  thing. Now everything that was depending on the jack plugin wants
>  xiph instead. Is there a less painful way to fix this than wiping
>  the pkgdb and starting from scratch?

	Have you looked at the pkgdb man-page?  I see at least one
thing ther I would be willing (after backing up pkgdb.db) to
experiment with. 

					Robert Huff

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