Simple question about UPDATING and X11

Mark Kirkwood markir at
Wed May 23 04:11:59 UTC 2007

> On Tue, 22 May 2007, Andrew Lankford wrote:
>> After reading the most recent /usr/ports/UPDATING and deciding to go 
>> ahead and upgrade to X 7.2, I'm wondering where the script 
>> "xorg-upgrade" is and why it wasn't simply added to the ports tree.  
>> If it's there, I sure as heck can't find it.
> call my ignernt.  but i bet it has something to do with either the
> 1) freeze  2) the freeks not released yet.
> i'm hoping this turns into a personal answer to my question to kris.


Hopefully I'm not misunderstanding your question, but 'script 
xorg-upgrade' creates a file called 'xorg-upgrade' that keeps a log of 
your progress through the subsequent steps listed in UPDATING.



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