Xorg upgrade & portmaster

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-ports-local at be-well.ilk.org
Tue May 22 12:26:38 UTC 2007

RW <fbsd06 at mlists.homeunix.com> writes:

> On Mon, 21 May 2007 17:13:10 -0400
> Lowell Gilbert <freebsd-ports-local at be-well.ilk.org> wrote:
>> "FreeBSD-Ports" <FreeBSD-Ports at socruel.nu> writes:
>> > After reading /usr/ports/UPDATING I thought well just try what it
>> > says, so I issued the command setenv XORG_UPGRADE yes as root and
>> > then did a portmaster xorg-libraries. This update went fine.
>> That's *not* "just what it says."  It says that the directions are for
>> portupgrade only, and for other tools you need to get an upgrade path
>> from the author of the tool.  Furthermore, in the message to which you
>> are following up, the author of portmanager said that his advice was
>> not to use portmanager for this upgrade yet, and if you wanted to use
>> it anyway, to start by removing all your ports and building them over.
> s/portmanager/portmaster/

Oops.  Right.

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