Ports tree : Xorg-7.2 release freeze, ETA?

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Sat May 19 21:41:29 UTC 2007

Garrett Cooper wrote:

>     Wouldn't it be sufficient to force major component testers (in this 
> case Xorg 7.2) to use periodic snapshots of the ports tree (possibly CVS 
> branching), while allowing continued development in the ports tree?

There will be very few truly major projects of this nature ever in the 
life of the ports tree. In fact, one of the reasons this IS such a 
major change is that things are being organized better now so that 
future updates to even major systems like X won't be anywhere near so 

> Part 
> of my concern is based in the fact that this might be causing issues 
> with customer integrity,

Whose customers are you talking about? FreeBSD doesn't have customers, 
it has users.

> thus degrading confidence in FreeBSD as a production product.

Confidence would have been degraded a lot more if the xorg7 changes 
were rushed into the tree causing massive breakage and unhappiness for 
our users.

The portmgr team was in a no-win situation here. I personally am glad 
that they erred on the side of caution.



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