Time to abandon recursive pulling of dependencies?

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Fri May 18 08:36:47 UTC 2007

Quoting Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at Leidinger.net> (from Thu, 17  
May 2007 17:52:57 +0200):

> Quoting Stephen Montgomery-Smith <stephen at math.missouri.edu> (Thu,   
> 17 May 2007 08:14:43 -0500):
>> Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>> > Quoting Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at Leidinger.net> (Thu, 17   
>> May 2007 11:44:36 +0200):
>> >
>> >> For the difference between the redirected output case: I think the
>> >> gnome terminal needs a lot of time to print all the lines. But still,
>> >> the awk version takes around 3/4 of the time (interesting is the user
>> >> time, not the total time). Stephen's version can be speed up some
>> >> fractions by inserting a break into the first while-loop.
>> >>
>> >> Attached is my awk-version and the awk version which also includes the
>> >> direct dependencies.
>> >
>> > After a little review: For the awk version the embedded "sort -u" can
>> > be removed (it is done in the PKG_ARGS part), for Stephen's version it
>> > is necessary to cut down processing time in the following part.
>> Agreed
> I played around a little bit with this, new version attached (simple
> error handling in awk, doing just one awk for all files).

Just a small note: I just got this down to about 5sec total on my  
system. I replaced some basename and dirname calls with  
shell-variable-mangling based upon a suggestion of Roman Divacky. I  
think I'm going to submit this to GNATS this WE.


Coming together is a beginning;
	keeping together is progress;
		working together is success.

http://www.Leidinger.net    Alexander @ Leidinger.net: PGP ID = B0063FE7
http://www.FreeBSD.org       netchild @ FreeBSD.org  : PGP ID = 72077137

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