Time to abandon recursive pulling of dependencies?
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
stephen at math.missouri.edu
Thu May 17 13:14:46 UTC 2007
Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at Leidinger.net> (Thu, 17 May 2007 11:44:36 +0200):
>> For the difference between the redirected output case: I think the
>> gnome terminal needs a lot of time to print all the lines. But still,
>> the awk version takes around 3/4 of the time (interesting is the user
>> time, not the total time). Stephen's version can be speed up some
>> fractions by inserting a break into the first while-loop.
>> Attached is my awk-version and the awk version which also includes the
>> direct dependencies.
> After a little review: For the awk version the embedded "sort -u" can
> be removed (it is done in the PKG_ARGS part), for Stephen's version it
> is necessary to cut down processing time in the following part.
> It seems the processing of the not installed dependencies has not to be
> done, as this target is only used in the PKG_ARGS part and is used in a
> way which evaluates the result at the time of the invocation of the
> pkg_create program (when the port is installed and all dependencies
> should reflect what is on disk).
Yes, definitely.
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