Time to abandon recursive pulling of dependencies?

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at math.missouri.edu
Mon May 14 15:37:06 UTC 2007

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Stephen Montgomery-Smith <stephen at math.missouri.edu> (from 
> Mon, 14 May 2007 09:39:13 -0500):
>> Someone pointed out that what I was proposing in +DEPENDENCIES is
> Probably me...

>> already to be found in +CONTENTS.  So here is a proof of concept patch
>> to /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk (proof of concept because no error
>> checking, and things like that).
> As you want to use the origin (it seems), grep for DEPORIGIN instead 
> of pkgdep, should be even more fast than what you already have.

I don't know how to do this except by using perl, which is not part of 
the base system.  This is because DEPORIGIN is on the next line.  And I 
am not expert at any tools except C and perl.  Also I doubt that it will 
speed things up very much - I think that grepping a bunch of files is 
quite fast (compared to say invoking make which is very slow).

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