March 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 00:13:19 UTC 2007
Ending: Sat Mar 31 22:08:32 UTC 2007
Messages: 694
- Error in installing cursor-bluecurve-theme
Indigo 23
- Eye of Gnome error after upgrading to 2.18
Indigo 23
- Eye of Gnome error after upgrading to 2.18
Indigo 23
- Firefox/Evolution Packages
Indigo 23
- FreeBSD Port: security/clamav
??/LI Xin
- FreeBSD Port: security/clamav
??/LI Xin
- PHP 5.2.1
André Böhm
- php5-pcre-5.2.1_4 was Re: FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
André Böhm
- FreeBSD Port: phpMyAdmin-
Daniel Dvořák
- FreeBSD Port: phpMyAdmin-
Daniel Dvořák
- trouble running spamass-milter as spamd
Thomas Abthorpe
- blocksshd
Forrest Aldrich
- Smart Card Upgrade Notice
Bank of America
- fuzzyocr
Shaun Amott
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
Shaun Amott
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
Shaun Amott
- ports/108597: [PATCH] www/p5-ClearSilver doesn't build on 4.x +
update to new version
Shaun Amott
- ports/108597: [PATCH] www/p5-ClearSilver doesn't build on 4.x +
update to new version
Shaun Amott
- experimental qemu-devel port (update), please test!
Eric Anderson
- editors/hte IA64/AMD64 compliance test
Marcus von Appen
- editors/hte IA64/AMD64 compliance test
Marcus von Appen
- HEADS UP: ncurses wide character support in 7.x
Marcus von Appen
- Loan Services Guaranteed (Available)
Lisa Baker
- blender-devel build fails
Kaspars Bankovskis
- Buid It Twice?
Doug Barton
- Question about pkg-plist of qlwm port
Doug Barton
- Portmaster 1.15 available
Doug Barton
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Doug Barton
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Doug Barton
- HEADS UP: ncurses wide character support in 7.x
Doug Barton
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Doug Barton
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Doug Barton
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Doug Barton
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Doug Barton
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Scott Bennett
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Scott Bennett
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Scott Bennett
- cannot upgrade p5-Pod-Simple
Anton Berezin
- bad fluxbox patch
Anton Berezin
- Managing perl modules
Anton Berezin
- Portupgrade failed
Joachim Bethke
- Portupgrade failed
Joachim Bethke
- Thank you for portmaster
Sticky Bit
- Thank you for portmaster
Sticky Bit
- MySQL Startup Script
Roman Bogorodskiy
- fuzzyocr
- fuzzyocr
- fuzzyocr
- [www/p5-libapreq2] Broken ?
Alexandre Brooks
- gramps build failure
David J Brooks
- gramps build failure
David J Brooks
- gramps build failure
David J Brooks
- OpenEXR patch failure
David J Brooks
- OpenEXR patch failure - SOLVED
David J Brooks
- portupgrade O(n^m)?
Sean Bryant
- Thank you for portmaster
Freddie Cash
- Thank you for portmaster
Freddie Cash
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Freddie Cash
- fusefs-kmod-0.3.0_3 requires the Kernel source to be installed
Sam Cates
- fusefs-kmod-0.3.0_3 requires the Kernel source to be installed
Sam Cates
- Can't Get MySQL Port Up
Jeremy Chadwick
- Can't Get MySQL Port Up
Jeremy Chadwick
- Can't Get MySQL Port Up
Jeremy Chadwick
- Can't Get MySQL Port Up
Jeremy Chadwick
- PHP 5.2.1
Jeremy Chadwick
- MySQL Startup Script
Jeremy Chadwick
- mysql50-server unable to start
Jeremy Chadwick
- HEADS UP: ncurses wide character support in 7.x
Jeremy Chadwick
- blocksshd
Jeremy Chadwick
- lang/php5 - duplicate script for target "main/internal_functions.lo"
Jeremy Chadwick
- gettext error
Jeremy Chadwick
- irc/unreal
Jeremy Chadwick
- Online Video Leads The Trends In Marketing
Tammie Cheek
- FreeBSD Port: security/clamav
- FreeBSD Port: security/clamav
- FreeBSD Port: twiki-4.1.0,1
David Christensen
- FreeBSD Port: twiki-4.1.0,1
David Christensen
- native firefox crashes on page load
Joe Marcus Clarke
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.18 now available for FreeBSD
Joe Marcus Clarke
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Joe Marcus Clarke
- 915resolution port on AMD64
Steve Clement
- 915resolution port on AMD64
Steve Clement
- interchange of links
- fuzzyocr
Garrett Cooper
- could anyone port VirtualBox to freebsd as host system?
Garrett Cooper
- Snort fails to compile under 7-Current because ldd can't find -lpcre
Garrett Cooper
- could anyone port VirtualBox to freebsd as host system?
Garrett Cooper
- fuzzyocr
Garrett Cooper
- could anyone port VirtualBox to freebsd as host system?
Garrett Cooper
- could anyone port VirtualBox to freebsd as host system?
Garrett Cooper
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Garrett Cooper
- Fwd: Why so many tcl's and tk's
Garrett Cooper
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Garrett Cooper
- (no subject)
Garrett Cooper
- enlightenment-devel does not compile
Garrett Cooper
- editor/ : broken links
Garrett Cooper
- (no subject)
Garrett Cooper
- pkgdb -F --guidance
Garrett Cooper
- pkgdb -F --guidance
Garrett Cooper
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
Garrett Cooper
- Pushing for default jdk / jre to become java/diablo-j{dk,re}
Garrett Cooper
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
Garrett Cooper
- Pushing for default jdk / jre to become java/diablo-j{dk,re}
Garrett Cooper
- Pushing for default jdk / jre to become java/diablo-j{dk,re}
Garrett Cooper
- A list of possible ports that require www/mozilla
Garrett Cooper
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Garrett Cooper
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Garrett Cooper
- A list of possible ports that require www/mozilla
Garrett Cooper
- A list of possible ports that require www/mozilla
Garrett Cooper
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
Garrett Cooper
- A review of different port management tools : analysis for Google
SoC project
Garrett Cooper
- A review of different port management tools : analysis for
Google SoC project
Garrett Cooper
- Ports management in 4.11
Garrett Cooper
- samba3 compile failure
Garrett Cooper
- Fwd: samba3 compile failure
Garrett Cooper
- security/snort broken in -current
Garrett Cooper
- security/snort broken in -current
Garrett Cooper
- security/snort broken in -current
Garrett Cooper
- Help with C++ transition from GCC 3.x to 4.x
Garrett Cooper
- ports installation location
Garrett Cooper
- www/apache22 (apache-2.2.4_2): /us/bin/fetch
Garrett Cooper
- Web Hosting @
Alberto Crippa
- Native Remedies
Alberto Crippa
- Apache22 build fails on 6.2PRERELEASE? / libtool 1.5 fails to
Karl Denninger
- [ hugin-0.6.1 failed on i386 6]
Vasil Dimov
- openssh-portable upgrade.
Alex Dupre
- Vpopmail + spamassassin doesn't work for aliases?
Alex Dupre
- Vpopmail + spamassassin doesn't work for aliases?
Alex Dupre
- lang/php5 - duplicate script for target
Alex Dupre
- Thank you for portmaster
Alex Dupre
- Apache13/MoinMoin/Python vs PATH? What changed?
Daniel Eischen
- portsnap and local patches
Nate Eldredge
- PHP 5.2.1
- php5-pcre-5.2.1_4 was Re: FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
- php5-pcre-5.2.1_4 was Re: FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
- php5-pcre-5.2.1_4 was Re: FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
- Openssh
- Openssh
- 170kB patch - how to handle?
Bartosz Fabianowski
- misc/hotkeys package
Rong-en Fan
- editors/hte IA64/AMD64 compliance test
Rong-en Fan
- libtool and .la files
Rong-en Fan
- HEADS UP: ncurses wide character support in 7.x
Rong-en Fan
- HEADS UP: ncurses wide character support in 7.x
Rong-en Fan
- gettext error
Rong-en Fan
- gettext error
Rong-en Fan
- Unfetchable distfiles reminder
Bill Fenner
- Possibly unbuildable ports reminder
Bill Fenner
- Unfetchable distfiles reminder
Bill Fenner
- Possibly unbuildable ports reminder
Bill Fenner
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Matthew D. Fuller
- portupgrade query
Lowell Gilbert
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
Lowell Gilbert
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
Lowell Gilbert
- zope and py24-zopeInterface clash
Palle Girgensohn
- broken libtool port
- broken libtool port
- gmake fails while building firefox-devel...
Amarendra Godbole
- portmaster - excluding ports from cmd line
Howard Goldstein
- Python 2.4.4 and devel/ncurses
Johan Grahn
- PHP 5.2.1
Uwe Grohnwaldt
- PHP 5.2.1
Uwe Grohnwaldt
- PHP 5.2.1
Uwe Grohnwaldt
- Port build problem for ImageMagick
Uwe Grohnwaldt
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Uwe Grohnwaldt
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Uwe Grohnwaldt
- Zabbix
Edwin Groothuis
- How to create a patch that removes a file
Edwin Groothuis
- misc/zoneinfo port on 6.1R and others
Edwin Groothuis
- misc/zoneinfo port on 6.1R and others
Edwin Groothuis
- stupid question about -rf upgrades
Brian Gruber
- PHP 5.2.1
Steven Hartland
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: security/p5-SAVI-Perl
Gary Hayers
- pkgupgrade
Jeremie Le Hen
- as for f-prot
Scot Hetzel
- portsnap and local patches
Scot Hetzel
- ClamAV rc.subr problem on 4.9
Scot Hetzel
- ports installation location
Scot Hetzel
- Port build problem for ImageMagick
Scot Hetzel
- ports installation location
Scot Hetzel
- ports installation location
Scot Hetzel
- Managing perl modules
Scott T. Hildreth
- Error when attempting to build gcc 4.2 within math/blas on 6.2
Stephen Hocking
- FreeBSD Port: apache-2.2.4
Nicholas Honywood
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-pypcap
Li-Wen Hsu
- gramps build failure
Robert Huff
- gramps build failure
Robert Huff
- gramps build failure
Robert Huff
- gramps build failure
Robert Huff
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
Robert Huff
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
Robert Huff
- (no subject)
Robert Huff
- Pushing for default jdk / jre to become java/diablo-j{dk,re}
Robert Huff
- problem installing devel/boost
Robert Huff
- problem installing devel/boost
Robert Huff
- FreeBSD Port: security/clamav
Mike Jakubik
- portupgrade query -- MOVEDError
Paul Ooi Cong Jen
- portupgrade query -- MOVEDError
Paul Ooi Cong Jen
- gettext error
Paul Ooi Cong Jen
- gettext error
Paul Ooi Cong Jen
- gettext error
Paul Ooi Cong Jen
- Can't Get MySQL Port Up
Drew Jenkins
- Can't Get MySQL Port Up
Drew Jenkins
- Can't Get MySQL Port Up
Drew Jenkins
- Buid It Twice?
Drew Jenkins
- MySQL Startup Script
Drew Jenkins
- MySQL Startup Script
Drew Jenkins
- GnuCash
Peter Jeremy
- gnucash on amd64 6.2-stable pkg_add runs, but app fails
Peter Jeremy
- Problems with amd64/g-wrap-1.9.6_1,1/gnucash-2.0.5_1
Peter Jeremy
- Problems with amd64/g-wrap-1.9.6_1,1/gnucash-2.0.5_1
Peter Jeremy
- Problems with amd64/g-wrap-1.9.6_1,1/gnucash-2.0.5_1
Peter Jeremy
- Giving up on fetching files: bind-9.3.4.tar.gz.asc
Peter Jeremy
- Port layout question
Peter Jeremy
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Peter Jeremy
- A review of different port management tools : analysis for
Google SoC project
Peter Jeremy
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Peter Jeremy
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-impacket
Marcin Jessa
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
Michael Johnson
- mod_authnz_external apache module on FreeBSD
José García Juanino
- hide dependency in graphics/xpdf port
José García Juanino
- FreeBSD Port: udmsearch-3.1.5
Josep Pujadas i Jubany
- stupid question about -rf upgrades
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
- asmail 2.0, FreeBSD port mail/asmail
Martin Kaiser
- asmail 2.0, FreeBSD port mail/asmail
Martin Kaiser
- portupgrade O(n^m)?
Coleman Kane
- kplayer-0.6.1 update
Bill Karh
- sysutils/tracker broken?
Must Karu
- send-pr error
Levent Kayan
- send-pr error
Levent Kayan
- [nss_ldap] version upgrade 254 to 255
Artem Kazakov
- libtool and .la files
Kris Kennaway
- exim doesn't build on 4.9 (minor error)
Kris Kennaway
- file://localhost/usr/ports/security/crack/README.html
Kris Kennaway
- Why are package builds failing for editors/abiword-plugins?
Kris Kennaway
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Kris Kennaway
- Fwd: Why so many tcl's and tk's
Kris Kennaway
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Kris Kennaway
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Kris Kennaway
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Kris Kennaway
Kris Kennaway
- Pushing for default jdk / jre to become java/diablo-j{dk,re}
Kris Kennaway
- Pushing for default jdk / jre to become java/diablo-j{dk,re}
Kris Kennaway
- [ linuxdcpp-
failed on amd64 7]
Kris Kennaway
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Kris Kennaway
- [ linuxdcpp-
failed on amd64 7]
Kris Kennaway
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Kris Kennaway
- error installing xorg-libraries in /usr/local
Kris Kennaway
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Kris Kennaway
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Kris Kennaway
- working version of acroread7 for FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE needed
Kris Kennaway
- FreeBSD Port: apache-2.2.4
Vivek Khera
- Managing perl modules
Vivek Khera
- New port - please review
- New port - please review
- [Fwd: Re: New port - please review]
- FreeBSD Port: hk_classes-0.8.1
Eric Kingston
- Pushing for default jdk / jre to become java/diablo-j{dk,re}
Gary Kline
- A review of different port management tools : analysis for
Google SoC project
Gary Kline
- A review of different port management tools : analysis for
Google SoC project
Gary Kline
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
Gary Kline
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Gary Kline
- [Fwd: Clamav and Amavisd]
Gabor Kovesdan
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Gabor Kovesdan
- SoC application: please comment!
Gabor Kovesdan
- HEADSUP: removing the old cyrus-sasl port
Gabor Kovesdan
- HEADSUP: removing the old cyrus-sasl port
Gabor Kovesdan
- misc/zoneinfo port on 6.1R and others
Kevin Kramer
- misc/zoneinfo port on 6.1R and others
Kevin Kramer
- misc/zoneinfo port on 6.1R and others
Kevin Kramer
- Vpopmail + spamassassin doesn't work for aliases?
Bc. Radek Krejca
- Vpopmail + spamassassin doesn't work for aliases?
Bc. Radek Krejca
- Vpopmail + spamassassin doesn't work for aliases? - solved
Bc. Radek Krejca
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
Steven Kreuzer
- cannot upgrade p5-Pod-Simple
Lars Kristiansen
- cannot upgrade p5-Pod-Simple
Lars Kristiansen
- PHP 5.2.1
Karol Kwiatkowski
- enlightenment-devel does not compile
Karol Kwiatkowski
- error installing xorg-libraries in /usr/local
Karol Kwiatkowski
- editor/ : broken links
Jack L.
- ports/108657: [PATCH] mail/spamd: core dump on spamd-setup with
"-t" key
Xin LI
- ports/105277: [UPDATE] mail/spamd - improvements and clean up
Xin LI
- ports/108663: [PATCH] mail/spamd: resolv conflict with sa-spamd
and add pfspamd_setup_flags
Xin LI
- ports/108679: [PATCH] mail/spamlogd fail without PF
Xin LI
- ports/97579: [patch] ports mail/spamd to reflect the public
hostname in helo dialog
Xin LI
- ports/108663: [PATCH] mail/spamd: resolv conflict with sa-spamd
and add pfspamd_setup_flags
Xin LI
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Rene Ladan
- astro/boinc-setiathome-enhanced: wrong?
Rene Ladan
- [Fwd: Re: [Boinc_opt] astro/boinc-setiathome-enhanced:
Rene Ladan
- enlightenment-devel does not compile
Vassilis Laganakos
- Inclusion of Intel PRO/Wireless LAN 2100/2200/2915 firmwares in
the base system
Max Laier
- openssh-portable upgrade.
Stefan Lambrev
- FreeBSD Port: irc/unreal
Dan Langille
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- FreeBSD Port: typo3-4.0.4
Jesper Laursen
- ports/102058: arping has INconsistent versioning
Sam Lawrance
- Can someone please update the freeimage port to the latest
release, 3.9.3?
Sam Lawrance
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Sam Lawrance
- 170kB patch - how to handle?
Sam Lawrance
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Jean-Yves Lefort
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Jean-Yves Lefort
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Jean-Yves Lefort
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Jean-Yves Lefort
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Jean-Yves Lefort
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Jean-Yves Lefort
- HEADSUP: removing the old cyrus-sasl port
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- openoffice 2 (RC, devel) broken
Oliver Lehmann
- openoffice 2 (RC, devel) broken
Oliver Lehmann
- openoffice 2 (RC, devel) broken
Oliver Lehmann
- question regarding handling of a port listed with this address
as the maintainer (mail/py-spambayes)
Alexander Leidinger
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Alexander Leidinger
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Alexander Leidinger
- Getting linux-nx-client to work
Yu-Xi Lim
- Getting linux-nx-client to work
Yu-Xi Lim
- [HEADSUP] upcoming removal of remaining 4.X bits from
Mark Linimon
- exim doesn't build on 4.9 (minor error)
Mark Linimon
- exim doesn't build on 4.9 (minor error)
Mark Linimon
- Why are package builds failing for editors/abiword-plugins?
Mark Linimon
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
Mark Linimon
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
Mark Linimon
- [REMINDER] how to get the best use out of GNATS
Mark Linimon
- Openssh
Mark Linimon
- Openssh
Mark Linimon
- [www/p5-libapreq2] Broken ?
Mark Linimon
- optional dependencies
Mark Linimon
- security/snort broken in -current
Mark Linimon
- experimental qemu-devel port (update),
please test! (was: Re: qemu segfaulting all over the place)
Juergen Lock
- trouble running spamass-milter as spamd
Peter Losher
- GnuCash
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Ade Lovett
- net-mgmt/flowscan and amd64
Michael W. Lucas
- Ports 104877 causing big problems
Pav Lucistnik
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Pav Lucistnik
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Pav Lucistnik
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Pav Lucistnik
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Pav Lucistnik
- A review of different port management tools : analysis for
Google SoC project
Pav Lucistnik
- [ linuxdcpp-
failed on amd64 7]
Pav Lucistnik
- How many distfile downloads
Pav Lucistnik
- Zimbra Port for FreeBSD.
Eric De La Cruz Lugo
- native firefox crashes on page load
Iulian M
- pandoc "not fetchable"?
John MacFarlane
- How to deal with pkg-config .pc files?
Dmitry Marakasov
- Portupgrade failed
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
- samba3 compile failure
John Marshall
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Martin Matuska
- Testing and suggestions for new
Martin Matuska
- portupgrade query
Sergey Matveychuk
- Failure kdelibs3-5.5 from portupgrade
Sergey Matveychuk
- PORTSUPDATING -is it too terse for users to be useful?
Sergey Matveychuk
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Sergey Matveychuk
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Sergey Matveychuk
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Sergey Matveychuk
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Sergey Matveychuk
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Sergey Matveychuk
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Sergey Matveychuk
- Fw: Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Frank Mayhar
- Zabbix
Michael Maynard
- FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
J. McGee
- New port - please review
Tom McLaughlin
- (Hosted on issues
Robert McLeay
- Esddsp returns bus error.
Felipe Mendes
- gnucash on amd64 6.2-stable pkg_add runs, but app fails
Jeremy Messenger
- Problems with amd64/g-wrap-1.9.6_1,1/gnucash-2.0.5_1
Jeremy Messenger
- Problems with amd64/g-wrap-1.9.6_1,1/gnucash-2.0.5_1
Jeremy Messenger
- gnucash on amd64 6.2-stable pkg_add runs, but app fails
Jeremy Messenger
- A list of possible ports that require www/mozilla
Jeremy Messenger
- A list of possible ports that require www/mozilla
Jeremy Messenger
- [ linuxdcpp-
failed on amd64 7]
Jeremy Messenger
- [ linuxdcpp-
failed on amd64 7]
Jeremy Messenger
- Eye of Gnome error after upgrading to 2.18
Jeremy Messenger
- lang/guile needs a good maintainership..
Jeremy Messenger
- bad fluxbox patch
Jeremy Messenger
- Eye of Gnome error after upgrading to 2.18
Jeremy Messenger
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
Jeremy Messenger
- python 2.4.4, 1 vs 2.4.3,
1 - zope trouble - python version downgrade
Le Cocq Michel
- native firefox crashes on page load
Albertas Mickenas
- How many distfile downloads
Karel Miklav
- How many distfile downloads
Karel Miklav
- as for f-prot
Jordi Moles
- native firefox crashes on page load
Csaba Molnar
- Failure kdelibs3-5.5 from portupgrade
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- question regarding handling of a port listed with this address
as the maintainer (mail/py-spambayes)
Bill Moran
- Openssh
Bill Moran
- Giving up on fetching files: bind-9.3.4.tar.gz.asc
Guill. Moreno-Socias
- www/apache22 (apache-2.2.4_2): /us/bin/fetch
Guill. Moreno-Socias
- net/ns port is not building on FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p2
Alex Moura
- Difference between pkg_create and make package
David N
- openoffice 2 (RC, devel) broken
- openoffice 2 (RC, devel) broken
- Gfortran migration status is now `stablize'
- FreeBSD Port: bruteblock-0.0.5_1
Neal Nelson
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-pypcap
George V. Neville-Neil
- Difference between pkg_create and make package
David Nguyen
- Difference between pkg_create and make package
David Nguyen
- portupgrade query
Sam Nilsson
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
Robert Noland
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
Robert Noland
- mail/spamd - inactive maintainer
Hans F. Nordhaug
- What to do with Perl Modules moved to BackPAN?
Hans F. Nordhaug
- OSS sound for linux-flashplugin9
Michael Nottebrock
- Port build problem for ImageMagick
Michael Nottebrock
- Port build problem for ImageMagick
Michael Nottebrock
- Mysql-dev
Mohamad Nurhafiza
- Mysql-dev
Mohamad Nurhafiza
- mail/maildrop marked as broken
Milan Obuch
- Port build problem for ImageMagick
Clint Olsen
- How to create a patch that removes a file
Spil Oss
- How to create a patch that removes a file
Spil Oss
- print/freetype2 broken?
Mark Ovens
- multimedia/ffmpeg missing BUILD_DEPENDS?
Mark Ovens
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
Mark Ovens
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
Mark Ovens
- portsnap and local patches
Josh Paetzel
- [Fwd: Clamav and Amavisd]
Carlos Fernando Assis Paniago
- [Fwd: Clamav and Amavisd]
Carlos Fernando Assis Paniago
- [Fwd: Clamav and Amavisd]
Carlos Fernando Assis Paniago
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Danny Pansters
- Fw: Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Danny Pansters
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
Danny Pansters
- Port Makefiles and the MANPREFIX macro
Andrew Pantyukhin
- SoC application: please comment!
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Ports management tools in the base (Was: Re: cvs commit:
www/en/projects/ideas ideas.xml)
Andrew Pantyukhin
- How many distfile downloads
Andrew Pantyukhin
- New port - please review
Andrew Pantyukhin
- FreeBSD Port: twiki-4.1.0,1
Andrew Pantyukhin
- FreeBSD Port: twiki-4.1.0,1
Andrew Pantyukhin
- xpi updates
Andrew Pantyukhin
- cannot upgrade p5-Pod-Simple
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Peter Pentchev
- irc/unreal
Peter Pentchev
- irc/unreal
Peter Pentchev
- Openssh
Alfredo Perez
- Openssh
Alfredo Perez
- Openssh
Alfredo Perez
- Gfortran migration status is now `stablize'
Gerald Pfeifer
- klamav build error
Simon Phoenix
- Little portmaster 1.15 bug in find_and_delete_distfiles
Simon Phoenix
- mail/maildrop marked as broken
Darren Pilgrim
- ports/110013: Update port: sysutils/psgconf 3.2.4
Jim Pirzyk
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Doug Poland
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Kirill Ponomarew
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Kirill Ponomarew
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Kirill Ponomarew
- misc/hotkeys package
Alexey Privalov
- FreeBSD Port: nxserver-1.4.0
Simon Proven
- FreeBSD Port: nxserver-1.4.0
Simon Proven
- Help with C++ transition from GCC 3.x to 4.x
Alejandro Pulver
- Help with C++ transition from GCC 3.x to 4.x
Alejandro Pulver
- Help with C++ transition from GCC 3.x to 4.x
Alejandro Pulver
- Help with C++ transition from GCC 3.x to 4.x
Alejandro Pulver
- Help with port that uses scons
Alejandro Pulver
- Help with port that uses scons (fwd)
Alejandro Pulver
- portmaster and portmanager disagree
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
- ClamAv 0.90_3
Jack Raats
- Apache13/MoinMoin/Python vs PATH? What changed?
Andrew Reilly
- Apache13/MoinMoin/Python vs PATH? What changed?
Andrew Reilly
- FreeBSD Port: please get print/pdftk working on amd64
Petter Reinholdtsen
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
Beech Rintoul
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
Beech Rintoul
- I need to download hugin-0.6.1 and make a test with
Ernesto Rios
- Problems with amd64/g-wrap-1.9.6_1,1/gnucash-2.0.5_1
Stephen J. Roznowski
- Port layout question
Stephen J. Roznowski
- Port layout question
Stephen J. Roznowski
- ports/110013: Update port: sysutils/psgconf 3.2.4
Boris Samorodov
- Fwd: Abyssmal dump cache efficiency
Boris Samorodov
- security/snort broken in -current
Boris Samorodov
- mail/spamd - inactive maintainer
Alex Samorukov
- ports/108663: [PATCH] mail/spamd: resolv conflict with sa-spamd
and add pfspamd_setup_flags
Alex Samorukov
- portsnap and local patches
Paul Schmehl
- phpbb-2.0.22_1 does not work
Helmut Schneider
- phpbb-2.0.22_1 does not work
Helmut Schneider
- Moving applications from <sgtty.h> to <termios.h>
Ed Schouten
- Moving applications from <sgtty.h> to <termios.h>
Ed Schouten
- Why are package builds failing for editors/abiword-plugins?
Eric P. Scott
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
Eric P. Scott
- pandoc "not fetchable"?
Eric P. Scott
- multimedia/linux-realplayer: manual download for now
Eric P. Scott
- optional dependencies
Eric P. Scott
- hide dependency in graphics/xpdf port
Eric P. Scott
- hide dependency in graphics/xpdf port
Eric P. Scott
- exim doesn't build on 4.9 (minor error)
Matt Sealey
- ClamAV rc.subr problem on 4.9
Matt Sealey
- FreeBSD Port: phpMyAdmin-
Matthew Seaman
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Rico Secada
- Fw: Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Rico Secada
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Rico Secada
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Rico Secada
- Time to kill FreeBSD as a Desktop
Rico Secada
- Zabbix
Stanislav Sedov
- enlightenment-devel does not compile
Stanislav Sedov
- www/apache22 (apache-2.2.4_2): /us/bin/fetch
Brian A. Seklecki
- subject=FreeBSD 6.1 & gettext-0.16.1 & portupgrade problems
Brian A. Seklecki
- Can someone please update the freeimage port to the latest release,
Michael Sheakoski
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
Wesley Shields
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
Wesley Shields
- [ports/devel/gettext] not respect PTHREAD_LIBS issue
Norikatsu Shigemura
- [ports/graphics/graphviz] graphviz doesn't build-depend on tcl84
Norikatsu Shigemura
- enlightenment-devel does not compile
Vanilla I. Shu
- New port - please review
Marcin Simonides
- [Fwd: Re: New port - please review]
Marcin Simonides
- Problems installing perl on arm?
Krassimir Slavchev
- Problems installing perl on arm?
Krassimir Slavchev
- latest fvwm2-devel - bugged?
Andrey Slusar
- [nss_ldap] version upgrade 254 to 255
Andrey Slusar
- Can someone please update the freeimage port to the latest
release, 3.9.3?
Andrey Slusar
- A review of different port management tools : analysis for
Google SoC project
Corey Smith
- problem installing devel/boost
Victor Snezhko
- How to create a patch that removes a file
Ulrich Spoerlein
- Difference between pkg_create and make package
Ulrich Spoerlein
- HEADSUP: removing the old cyrus-sasl port
Ulrich Spoerlein
- Ports management in 4.11
Charles Sprickman
- Ports management in 4.11
Charles Sprickman
- question regarding handling of a port listed with this address as
the maintainer (mail/py-spambayes)
Jim Stapleton
- Mixed archives woes
Pontus Stenetorp
- CPAN kerberos authentication simple port?
Russell Sutherland
- trouble running spamass-milter as spamd
Chuck Swiger
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
Chuck Swiger
- How many distfile downloads
Chuck Swiger
- pkgupgrade
Michel Talon
Michel Talon
- Problems running pkgdb -fF
Michel Talon
- Managing perl modules
Ian A. Tegebo
- SoC application: please comment!
Mikhail Teterin
- Inclusion of Intel PRO/Wireless LAN 2100/2200/2915 firmwares in the
base system
Florent Thoumie
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Heino Tiedemann
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Heino Tiedemann
- Whats this: UPDATING 2007030
Heino Tiedemann
- optional dependencies
- Why so many tcl's and tk's
Martin Tournoij
- portupgrade query
Jim Trigg
- gramps build failure
Anders Troback
- gramps build failure
Anders Troback
- gramps build failure
Anders Troback
- gramps build failure
Anders Troback
- enlightenment-devel does not compile
Laganakos Vassilis
- enlightenment-devel does not compile
Laganakos Vassilis
- [PATCH] math/asymptote-1.23 build broken on 6.2-Stable i386;
also unsolved problems with AFPL Ghostscript integration
Nicola Vitale
- portupgrade query
- portupgrade query
- portupgrade query
- Failure kdelibs3-5.5 from portupgrade
- Failure kdelibs3-5.5 from portupgrade
- (no subject)
- kde3base-3.5.5/kdm compile error
- kde3base-3.5.5/kdm compile error _SOLVED
- PORTSUPDATING -is it too terse for users to be useful?
- PORTSUPDATING -is it too terse for users to be useful?
- libMagick -compile error
- libMagick -compile error
- libMagick -compile error -SOLVED+-!!
- Apache2.2.4 -ssl module error on new upgrade
- Apache2.2.4 -ssl module error on new upgrade
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
- (no subject)
- Mozilla -is this port ever going to be fixed?
- gnome-vfs-2.16.3 -> stale dependency question
- pkgdb -F --guidance
- (no subject)
- portupgrade query -- MOVEDError
- portupgrade query -- MOVEDError
- portupgrade query -- MOVEDError
- portupgrade query -- MOVEDError
- Portupgrade failed
- Portupgrade failed
- Portupgrade failed
- mail/maildrop marked as broken
- samba3 compile failure
- samba3 compile failure
- samba3 compile failure
- samba3 compile failure
- samba3 compile failure
- samba3 compile failure
- samba3 compile failure
- samba3 compile failure --SOLVED!!
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
- ports installation location
- ports installation location
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
- Ports - proposal - To handle Multiple instances
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
- ports installation location
- ports installation location
- ports installation location
- subject=FreeBSD 6.1 & gettext-0.16.1 & portupgrade problems
Dino Vliet
- aaccli doesn't work with AOC-LPZCR2 (Supermicro)
Thomas Vogt
- Problem with clamav-0.90.1_1
Nicki de Wet
- Getting linux-nx-client to work
FreeBSD WickerBill
- Call for testing: net/linphone-base and net/linphone!
Martin Wilke
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Martin Wilke
- broken libtool port
Martin Wilke
- mail/spamd - inactive maintainer
LI Xin
- Looking for new mail/spamd maintainer
LI Xin
- phpbb-2.0.22_1 does not work
LI Xin
- mail/maildrop marked as broken
KIMURA Yasuhiro
- mail/maildrop marked as broken
KIMURA Yasuhiro
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
Alexander Zhuravlev
- portupgrade query -- MOVEDError
- www/firefox - freezes when opening the print dialogue
- freebsd-snapshot [fsync: giving up on dirty]
- OpenSSL 0.9.8e seems to cause libwww port build failure on
- [PATCH] math/asymptote-1.23 build broken on 6.2-Stable i386;
also unsolved problems with AFPL Ghostscript integration
- errors when using gv-3.6.2 (and ggv-2.12.0) with
- errors when using gv-3.6.2 (and ggv-2.12.0) with
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- circular dependency
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
andrew clarke
- file://localhost/usr/ports/security/crack/README.html
crs at
- Difference between pkg_create and make package
david at
- FreeBSD Port: mysql-query-browser-1.1.18
- portupgrade of xorg - imake not found
- portupgrade of xorg - imake not found
- PHP 5.2.1
- PHP 5.2.1
- php5-pcre-5.2.1_4 was Re: FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
- php5-pcre-5.2.1_4 was Re: FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
- php5-pcre-5.2.1_4 was Re: FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.1_3
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-pypcap
gnn at
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-pypcap
gnn at
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-pypcap
gnn at
- python 2.4.4, 1 vs 2.4.3,
1 - zope trouble - python version downgrade
gnn at
- FreeBSD Port: nxserver-1.4.0
dewey hylton
- broken port!
- FreeBSD Port: php5-extensions-1.1
- FreeBSD ports that you maintain which are currently marked broken
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at
- FreeBSD ports that you maintain which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at
- could anyone port VirtualBox to freebsd as host system?
- could anyone port VirtualBox to freebsd as host system?
- send-pr error
- Consultanos antes de tomar tú decisión
mailing at
- mysql50-server unable to start
ml at
- mysql50-server unable to start
ml at
- Question about pkg-plist of qlwm port
alfredo perez
- gnucash on amd64 6.2-stable pkg_add runs, but app fails
- Failure kdelibs3-5.5 from portupgrade
- irc/unreal
- irc/unreal
- irc/unreal
- ports/11009: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- ports/11048: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- ports/108663: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
shaun at
- php4 port - undefined ref to getopt_long
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-pypcap
tmclaugh at
- FreeBSD ports: 1 unfetchable distfile: net/py-pypcap
tmclaugh at
- portupgrade O(n^m)?
youshi10 at
- samba3 compile failure
youshi10 at
- Managing perl modules
youshi10 at
- optional dependencies
youshi10 at
- security/snort broken in -current
youshi10 at
- Help with port that uses scons (fwd)
youshi10 at
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
youshi10 at
- joomla ports - installation- multiple virtual hosts
youshi10 at
- Port build problem for ImageMagick
youshi10 at
- Port build problem for ImageMagick
youshi10 at
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 22:08:32 UTC 2007
Archived on: Sun Apr 1 02:01:37 UTC 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).