Samba 3.0.25a still broken

Jack Stone antennex at
Sat Jun 16 13:02:18 UTC 2007

>From: "Thompson,M K Mr CTR USAF 1SOCS/SCBB" 
><M.Keith.Thompson.ctr at>
>To: <freebsd-ports at>
>Subject: Samba 3.0.25a still broken
>Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:42:45 -0500
>I hate to be a pain; if I knew how to fix it I would.  The previous port
>installed fine.  I removed it and need to install the new one.  Any idea
>how to go back to the old port?

You could simply edit the Makefile in the samba port and reset the version 
shown at the top to the old version.

Then, delete distinfo
Then 'make makesum'
Then 'make install clean'

If the old port still remains in your /usr/ports/distfiles
then it should create a new distinfo file

If you don't have the old port, then 'make makesum' should
start downloading it, then do 'make install clean'


That should do it.

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