FreeBSD Port: dspam-devel-3.8.0,1

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at
Mon Jun 4 02:49:47 UTC 2007

On 6/3/07, Ion-Mihai Tetcu <itetcu at> wrote:
> The only thing I can think of for improving this part is to set the
> default MySQL version in the port's OPTIONs to the one installed on the
> system, if any and default to 50 if no MySQL is installed. Which will
> further complicate an already long (664 lines) Makefile with little
> added benefit. IMO either there's no MySQL installed - in which case
> the port is so friendly that it gives a nice screen for the user to
> select the version he wants - or there is a MySQL version installed -
> in which case one assumes the admin knows what version he has and
> selects it in the OPTIONs screen. (I'm hacking the Makefile for this
> but something doesn't work right yet).

There is even an easier solution, and that is to let
/usr/ports/Mk/ do the selection of the MySQL port for
you depending on which version is installed on the system.  And if
none is installed, then use the default version (currently MySQL 5.0).

This way there is no need for the WITH_MYSQLxx variables, and you
won't have to add a new variable when MySQL 5.2 is released.  Your
port will automatically support it when is updated.

Attached for your review is a patch that implements this.

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