Modifying a port and keeping the mods across updates

[LoN]Kamikaze LoN_Kamikaze at
Sat Jan 20 19:13:11 UTC 2007

Paul Hoffman wrote:
> Greetings again. I have a two-part question that may be a ports FAQ, but
> I couldn't find such a beast.
> (1) For a particular port, I need to change the the MAKE_ENV to make it
> build the way I want. What is the proper way to do this that will live
> beyond the next time I do a cvsup? That is, editing the Makefile works
> just fine, but I want something that will live if the Makefile gets
> reverted.

A more flexible alternative to portsconf is contained in sysutils/bsdadminscripts.

> (2) For a particular port, I need to patch a particular source file.
> This is a patch that will probably be in a future release. Same question
> as above: what's the proper way to do this that will live beyond the
> next cvsup? I know how to use 'patch' to apply patches, but not yet to
> create them.

You create patches with diff.

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