portupgrade O(n^m)?
Csaba Molnar
molnarcs at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 20:35:17 UTC 2007
2007. February 15. 19.17 dátummal youshi10 at u.washington.edu ezt írta:
> >
> > Compare that to the situation for Debian apt-get. The names are
> > conserved. They have strict rules about package naming, they stick to
> > them and don't change them arbitrarily. All packages exist in compiled
> > form, you don't have to worry about prepackaged or "to be compiled, so
> > has 50% chance to break". You have only 2 states to consider instead of
> > 3: the state on the machine and the state on the repository. Things are
> > vastly simpler. No wonders that apt-get works and portupgrade doesn't.
> > This has nothing to do with the fact that apt-get is written in C++
Sorry to pipe in, I just want to give the perspective of an ordinary FreeBSD
user (since 5.1) who used debian before (and ventured into gentoo-land for a
month or so just to run back screaming to freebsd).
First of all I don't understand why you exaggerate - implying that you have to
woryy because "prepackaged or "to be compiled, ... has 50% chance to break"
is simply not true. I just rebuild all my installed packages (615 in total) -
and there were only two that broke during compile.
Second, there is no "generic" binary builds that cater to all user's needs. So
debian was forced to provide multiple packages for the same program (check
out amarok debs or apache-mpm, apache-prefork, etc) built with different
options that don't even conver all those options that ports provides me. If
you wanted to have the same flexibility freebsd provides, you'll have to have
even more duplicated versions of packages.
The "takes too much time" argument against compiling is becoming less and less
relevant as hardware improves, but even on my dusty athlon-xp server, how
much time do you think I spend compiling? I have apache22, mysql50, php +
lots of extensions (plus supporting libs like gd, netbpm) installed, and
keeping all these up to date takes less then hour each month!
There is not much difference when it comes to core capabilities of the OS
between linux and freebsd - but the very reason I stay and will stay with
freebsd in the forseeable future is because how ports/packages work. The only
distribution that comes close to what I like about this binary system (I mean
ports/packages) is arch linux, which is primarily package based but it has a
build system similar to ports as well.
I know I'm not a large scale user, but freebsd's build system and automatic
package creation (installing ports with portinstall -p) came in handy a few
times. I think FreeBSD already has an excellent binary package management
system. I maintain some really old computers in a lab at our university, some
of which can't run windowsXP, but they are excellent internet "terminals"
(opera + gaim + gftp on top of blackbox with a simplified menu). I wanted to
sqeeze out every last bit of performance from these machines, so I built a
set of packages on my own computer, and lo and behold: I had a repository of
binaries optimized for these machines that resolved dependencies
automatically just like in debian, without having to learn how to build
packages. I could simply download these packages through the lan, and pkg_add
* them on each machine (well, four of them), and in a few minutes I had them
up and running using packages specifically built for the capabilities of the
hardware as well as exactly those options that users will need. Debian in
this respect is far less flexible. Yes, you have src debs, but it is far more
complicated than just passing -p to portinstall/upgrade. None of the linux
distributions I have tried gave me this kind of flexibility and power - and
I'm just an ordinary user, with no programming experience whatsoever.
As to gentoo - I don't understand the technical issues. What I experienced,
however, that gentoo simply relegates the brunt of the work of the port
maintainers to the users, which results in far more breakage in everyday use
than what I have experienced with FreeBSD. Took me days to configure the
silly USE flags just to have sane defaults (I mean an emerge mc without it
pulling entire xorg). I also had problems with removing components of
packages that were installed via a metaport. During my time with gentoo
(granted, it was two years ago) - I haven't seen anything that it can offer
to me as a user over ports, but at least I have learnt to appreciate the
tremendous work FreeBSD port maintainers put into port maintainance. Ports is
simply far more user friendly than portage, with less breakage overall than I
have experienced with portage. That's why I felt very unfair your
exaggeration about ports breakage.
Thats just my two cents, and I don't pretend to understand half of the issues
raised in your post. I just know one thing: I twitch everytime I hear someone
who wants ports to work more like portage (please please DON'T go there!) or
argues for a binary package management. FreeBSD has already a kickass binary
package management system. In fact, I was always wondering why the user
community didn't leverage its power - probably because its not a well known
feature? But nothing prevents ordinary users to maintain custom package
repositories if they want to. For instance, now that I have 600+ binary
packages in my /usr/ports/packages/All I could easily upload it to an FTP,
and say that anyone who wants a full blown KDE desktop with latest xorg and
beryl in an hour, here you go, pkg_add * on a clean system, and have fun. In
fact, this is an option that can be explored in the future as FreeBSD's
userbase grows, but this is not something that I would expect from the
developers. This capability of ports/packages is a hidden gem of FreeBSD,
something that makes it superior to linux I believe. Witness the success of
PC-BSD - the binary ports/packages system is what makes it possible. It is
done by only a handful of people (only one guy working on it fulltime) - and
yet, people are comparing it to Ubuntu. I believe that the ports system as it
is now is an incredible asset: people without serious programming knowledge
actually cold do a binary only desktop oriented freebsd distribution in a few
days by building a set of carefully selected binary packages, checksum them,
create a website, and distribute them from there, providing a miniinstall ISO
that only installs a base system, then pulls those binaries from an ftp and
pkg_adds them. I believe that the current system has some really
nifty "community" capabilities that are not yet explored (because FreeBSD is
not as known as linux) - but once more and more people realize just how
powerful it is, I think it could become the important aspect of the OS
through which it can differentiate itself from the competition.
Sorry for the long rant, I can readily admit that there are technical issues
that I don't or can't understand, but I felt that the power of ports/packages
isn't really appreciated. I just don't understand the debian argument when
anyone can take the ports, turn them into binaries, and have a system that
does basically the same: installs binary packages with automatic dependency
That's all - and thank you for all the work all of you put into creating this
wonderful system.
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