eclipse 3.3.0

Ken Yamada ken at
Mon Aug 27 08:34:50 PDT 2007

  Is there any progress in porting eclipse 3.3 so far?

  I am struggling at it without any success yet. And I would like to have any support/help from others - it is somewhat beyond my knowledge....

  Some I noticed are;
  1) It requires jdk1.6.0 - jdt compilation fails with jdk1.5.0.
  2) file organization has changed somewhat.
      features/org.eclipse.platform.launchers disappeared.
      features/org.eclipse.equinox.executable coming up.

  Although it has quite a problem - can't complete compilation, you'll find that I am using for porting for those who have interests in porting eclipse 3.3.0.

  I hope that gurus in the community accelerate the porting work.



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