REQUEST FOR TESTERS: `devel/mingw32-gcc'

Jacula Modyun jacula at
Fri Aug 24 10:19:30 PDT 2007

On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 12:41:03PM -0400, Coleman Kane <cokane at> wrote:

> Coleman Kane wrote:
>> Lev Serebryakov wrote:
>>> Hello ports,
>>>   Latest versions of `mingw32-binutils' and `mingw32-bin-msvcrt' were 
>>> committed.
>>>   `mingw32-gcc' is on pipeline.
>>>   But it is BIG update: new version is 4.2.0
>>>   I ask you to test this `almost new' port before commit.
>>>   Many thanks to Coleman Kane <cokane at>, who helps me to 
>>> prepare this update.
>> I'd like to know what everyone else's experience with these new mingw32- 
>> ports are. So far I have been building Win32 applications from my FreeBSD 
>> box with these versions quite successfully. I think that the binutils and 
>> GCC are actually newer than the ones currently shipping with the MinGW32 
>> binary distribution too.
>> -- 
>> Coleman Kane
> I haven't seen any activity on the above email, and I am curious if:
>  1) It was missed (and this really does affect people)
>  2) Nobody cross-compiles using the mingw32-* ports (it is really very 
> handy!)
>  3) Nobody really cares that mingw32-gcc will move from 3.4.5 --> 4.2.0
> Please, if this affects you test out the above port tarball! Otherwise, 
> this will end up going in and not take into account any problems that might 
> arise in your environment.
> --
> Coleman Kane
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Hello ports;

Hello Coleman Kane,

I'd like thank you for your work. I installed this version of mingw32-gcc. 
Until now I've not any problem; I's a great port.
The only problem was with the mingw32-binutils port (it was broken for
size mismatch), but I committed a little patch.
Thank you very match.

Bye by JM

	To call a spade a thpade.
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