FreeBSD Port: x11-toolkits/gtk20

Mike Jakubik mikej at
Thu Apr 26 01:20:33 UTC 2007

Michael Johnson wrote:
>> Thats odd, because i never specified this option. This was part of a 
>> xfce4 compile. Going in to cairo's port manually, and only typing in 
>> make still results in it using WITHOUT_X11. I had to manually edit 
>> the Makefile and take that IF out for it to compile properly
> It's a hidden knob in cairo we don't advertise because it causes 
> problems like this, but we had had enough requests for no-x11 support 
> in cairo
> to add this knob.
> run 'make -V WITHOUT_X11' in graphics/cairo and see what the output is

# make -V WITHOUT_X11

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