FreeBSD Port: php5-5.2.0 -- Solved

Till Haselmann haselmann at
Fri Nov 10 15:32:21 PST 2006

Dear Alex:

> I was wondering if it is possible to install the php5 port without  
> apache?  I'd like to use it together with lighttpd.  The lighttp  
> documentation states that it is possible to use PHP 5 as a  
> FastCGI.  I can probably install it from the raw PHP source, but  
> that way I would lose the advantage of portupgrade.  Does the port  
> support a suitable build for my scenario?

Ok, nevermind that.  I found that I was accidentally using a stale  
configuration file from an earlier build of the php5 package.  After  
removing it, I was able to reconfigure the port.  Sorry if I have  
bothered you.


Till Haselmann
haselmann at
ICQ: 62868533  |  AIM / Skype: computernomade
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