[nycbug-talk] creating "local" ports (fwd)

Vivek Khera vivek at khera.org
Fri Nov 3 21:22:48 UTC 2006

On Nov 3, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Charles Sprickman wrote:

> Is there some mechanism that I'm missing to deal with a local  
> category? I've been googling without much luck, and I didn't see  
> this addressed in the porter's handbook.

Check the June 8 archives for this mailing list, for my message with  
subject "Re: category for local ports".

I only use it for truly local ports, not altered versions of regular  
ports.  Can you not submit patches to them with appropriate flags to  
set to get the behavior you desire?

> Beyond that, I have a few other questions:
> -By default cvsup and (I assume portsnap) would nuke anything in / 
> usr/ports that was not part of the main ports tree.  How can this  
> be dealt with in a way that none of the current/future port update  
> methods will not clobber our local tree?

portsnap seems to leave my local subdir alone.  I don't recall doing  
anything special to make it ignore it.

> -How does one handle packages that depend on say, qmail, but I now  
> want to
> depend on local-qmail?  I know portupgrade can be tought this by  
> setting
> an alternate pkgdep, but is there any clever way of doing this so  
> that when you're not using portupgrade the deps are adjusted?

I doubt it.  Answer is to always use portupgrade :-)

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