SHA hash in distinfo
Nils Vogels
nivo+sender+0820bd at
Wed May 31 02:41:19 PDT 2006
Edwin Groothuis wrote on 31-05-2006 11:21:
> On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 09:49:56AM +0200, Nils Vogels wrote:
>> I'm a new maintainer and while updating some ports, I noticed that when
>> running a "make makesum" to regenerate the distinfo files, the MD5 and
>> SIZE paramaters are filled correctly, but for some reason the SHA1 is
>> missing (which was added by a commiter, thanks btw)
>> I have the security/sha port installed, and when running the /sbin/sha1
>> program, it seems to return the right results.
>> Am I doing something wrong, is this a bug, or just a feature not yet
>> implemented ? :-)
> $ pwd
> /home/edwin/cvs/ports/misc/zoneinfo
> $ CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS="md5 sha256 sha1" SHA1=`which sha1` make makesum
> ===> Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
> $ cat distinfo
> MD5 (tzdata2006g.tar.gz) = fed13df17e2e386f4c31b0962d3ed356
> SHA256 (tzdata2006g.tar.gz) = 028a5d8bc3771876cf43b497e8b8691acae8263af34b0a8de3e014f01a5558d0
> SHA1 (tzdata2006g.tar.gz) = ecb25c4cc858f1bf3ec2be148d9d72e3563dbefb
> SIZE (tzdata2006g.tar.gz) = 153042
> Works like a charm :-)
> But euhm... "make makesum" only does do size, md5 and sha256. That
> are the default ones, and only the required ones at this moment.
Ah, well in that case s/SHA1/SHA256/g my mail please ;)
For some reason my install is not picking up the SHA256 requirement,
could it be because I'm running on 5.x ?
Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.
~Benjamin Franklin (American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer and Inventor. 1706-1790)
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