
Nsubuga Ronald rltashk at
Mon May 22 09:21:24 UTC 2006

get into mysql and make deinstall there after make reinstall for mysql
first and that will get you sorted i did it and it worked for me as
got the latest ports first then did the upgrade later on.

ope it works

On 5/12/06, gareth <bsd at> wrote:
> On Fri 2006-05-12 (15:46), Alex Dupre wrote:
> > gareth wrote:
> > >yo, am doing a portupgrade, and this's the 1st time mysql's getting
> > >upgraded - why's it harping on about directory's in the ports tree?
> >
> > It seems you have to run an fsck first.
> right you are ;) the machine actually died during the mysql build,
> and i hadn't run fsck afterwards. now that i have, it dies again
> during the build, seems like i've got a temperature problem :/
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