New category - ports/packages specific tools?

Benjamin Lutz benlutz at
Fri May 19 11:03:04 UTC 2006

I like the idea as well. While the current categories assigned the the 
ports-related ports makes sense (doesn't sysutils, which is used for most, 
make perfect sense?), better discoverability for these programs is a good 

I like portutils as a new name, because it's easier to read and write than 

I'd also like the new category to be virtual only. If you look, at for 
example, security/portaudit, it makes more sense to me to find that in the 
security than a portutils dir. And as I said, I find the sysutils dir 
appropriate for ports things (although, looking at it, it could probably be 
cleaned up a bit - is eg. k3b really a sysutil? The tools it uses for the 
actual burning, maybe, but k3b itself?)

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