Attn. "Helmut Schneider" <>

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Thu May 18 22:07:20 UTC 2006

Mike Jakubik píše v čt 18. 05. 2006 v 18:00 -0400:

> What does any of this have to do with the freebsd ports? Please keep 
> this off the lists.

It have everything to do with the FreeBSD ports. Obviously, direct
mailing of a _port maintainer_ <jumper99 at> is impossible, but
mailing list messages will be delivered to him.

So we are trying to page him via a mailing list to get his attention to
the fact, that our personal mail is not reaching him.

What else would you suggest us to do?

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

Fufie> snow should be on the tv and in the mountains, not here
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