FreeBSD Port: php5-5.1.4

Adi Pircalabu apircalabu at
Wed May 17 15:55:23 UTC 2006

On Wed, 17 May 2006 11:33:13 -0400 Supat Anekbanluekul wrote:

> After I have installed Freebsd 6.1 Release, I have updated the ports 
> collection. Then, I have tried to install php5 in ports collection
> using the command make install in /usr/ports/lang/php5. After that,
> it said attempting to fetch from ..... : size mismatch expected
> 5992825, actual 6356171

There is a PR submitted for this:

Adi Pircalabu (PGP Key ID 0x04329F5E)

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