Is it safe to compile multiple ports at the same time ?
Tim Clewlow
tim1timau at
Wed May 17 15:17:38 UTC 2006
--- Robert Huff <roberthuff at> wrote:
> Sergey Matveychuk writes:
> > I've not once run two or more portupgrade -R and
> go away and when
> > back found both failed because of they started
> build the same
> > port.
> That is a definite lose.
> It is also my understanding having N>1 updates of
> pkgdb at the
> same time will break things.
> Robert Huff
How about if we add a new status to the pkgdb - ie at
the moment a package either exists or it doesnt, but
what if we add a pending status to indicate it is
currently being built/installed.
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