new installs of linux-firefox linux-firefox-devel report that firefox is running.

eculp at eculp at
Sat May 13 18:04:02 UTC 2006

Quoting Boris Samorodov <bsam at>:

> On Sat, 13 May 2006 11:11:17 -0500 eculp at wrote:
>> Quoting Boris Samorodov <bsam at>:
>> > On Sat, 13 May 2006 08:18:58 -0500 eculp at wrote:
>> >
>> >> With new installs of linux-firefox linux-firefox-devel on two
>> >> different machines  both report that firefox is running.  I am
>> >
>> > You say that you only install then (btw by packages or ports?), don't
>> > launch them, but ps/top show them running?
>> Hi Boris, thanks for your answer.
>> I first deinstalled them with pkg_delete and manually (rm -rf) removed
>> the directries completely I then installed them from ports.  Everytime
>> I get the message I check to see if there is any type of firefox
>> running with ps -ax and now with top also.  I've seen this for several
>> days now and have no idea why.

Hello Boris,

> Which linux_base port and xlibs are you using?

> BTW, both native and linux firefox should use the same user's
> directory ~/.mozilla. try to rename (remove) it and start
> linux-firefox. Does it helps? Sometimes when upgrading firefox that
> helps.

I'm erasing it after every test of the FreeBSD firefox and the linux 
version doesn't even create one.

>> >> P.S. Both boxes are running up to date current 7.0, if that matters
>> >> and the ports are from todays cvsup and were completely erased and
>> >> rebuilt.
> So far I can't reproduse it on 6.1-RC. Linux-firefox is strting and
> shutting down correctly.

I'm running 7.0 with cvsup and build from this morning.

Thanks again for your help,


> --
> Boris B. Samorodov, Research Engineer
> InPharmTech Co,
> Telephone & Internet Service Provider

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