Cant use IPOD with AMAROK

Derrick Edwards derrick at
Fri May 12 01:45:01 UTC 2006

I am having problems transferring files from my IPOD  to AMAROK . I configured 
the mount command within AMAROK as "mount /usr/home/derrick/MP3/" because 
this works on the command line to mount my IPOD. Stangley, AMAROK will mount 
my IPOD  successfully but it will give me the error message "Could not find 
Device, please mount it and try again." Has anyone got this working with 

FreeBSD 6.1-RC i386
'snip from /etc/fstab'
/dev/da0s2             /usr/home/derrick/MP3 msdos rw,noauto   0       0
amarok-1.3.9_2      Media player for KDE

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