FreeBSD Port: phpMyAdmin-

fbsd fbsd at
Thu May 11 20:14:21 UTC 2006

I Just ran the phpmyadmin package on a virgin 6.1 system
and it wanted mysql-server 4.1.18_1 plus got an not
found for pdflib-6.0.3 when pkg tried to install the dependant
package version of pddflib. I checked and no package for pdflib.

How about a basic pkg version of phpmyadmin without all those
add on functions (ie bkzip,pdf ECT) using php5 & mysql5?
Those add-on functions are not used and can be left out.

Later ran the packages for php5 + mysql50 which installed fine.
Then ran the port for phpmyadmin and got error saying no mysql
Think the phpmyadmin port process looks in the port tree for
installed dependants
and thinks mysql5 was not installed when it really is. It should be
the pkg_info database for dependants and not the /usr/ports tree.

Also pdflib is flagged as broken in the ports.

Bottom line I have to go back to using the 4.11 pkgs to
install phpmyadmin on 6.0 & 6.1 systems.

When using only ports to install phpmyadmin it still does not
work because pdflib is flagged as broken.

No use waiting for to be fixed when generating new
ports and packages will fix the current problems now.
With 6.1 just being released phpmyadmin is going to get beat
on as a lot of people start moving to it.

In conclusion.
1. The phpmyadmin package is way out dated and don't work.
2. The phpmyadmin port calls for an dependant that is marked as
3. In general the phpmyadmin pkg/port is outdated and needs one
   of the port for the most current version of mysql4 and
   another port for mysql5. In both cases drop the pdf add on.
4. Create pkgs from both ports created above.

Can these problems be fixed soon???

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Seaman [mailto:m.seaman at]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 2:44 PM
To: fbsd at
Cc: ports at
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Port: phpMyAdmin-

fbsd wrote:
> How about a version that uses php5 instead of php4????

It uses php5 just fine, if you install php5 before you install
phpMyAdmin.  The fact that typing 'make install' in the phpmyadmin
port directory an a virgin system gets you php4 by default is just
the way the stuff works.  I asked Alex Dupree (maintainer
of a while back if the default version of PHP could be
changed to php5 now, and he was quite agreeable to the idea but
would need to be a full ports build run to test that everything
be happy with that change.  No idea where that process has got to,
it wouldn't have been feasible to do it much earlier than now
of the package building etc. for 6.1-RELEASE.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory
                                                      Flat 3
PGP:         Ramsgate
                                                      Kent, CT11 9PW

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