HEADS UP for maintainers of web applications

Pav Lucistnik pav at FreeBSD.org
Thu May 11 09:09:39 UTC 2006

Hi people,

it will soon become mandatory to stop installing web applications into
Apache specific directories, like ${PREFIX}/www/data,
${PREFIX}/www/cgi-bin etc.

All web applications should be now installed into ${PREFIX}/www/appname.
Please keep it in mind when preparing your next port update.

Due to the recent changes in php ports, many web applications written in
php, which were installing into Apache directories, now have a plist
problems. A stop-gag measure is to add @dirrmtrys into pkg-plist.
A real solution is, however, to move your apps directly into

Thank you for your attention.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at oook.cz>
              <pav at FreeBSD.org>

The use of the lavatory is restricted to the train's cat.
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