ports structure -- problem with pkgtools.conf
list-freebsd-2004 at morbius.sent.com
Tue May 9 23:42:46 UTC 2006
On Tuesday 09 May 2006 21:50, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 10:31 AM -0500 5/9/06, Scot Hetzel wrote:
> >The problem with pkgtools.conf (and all the other port
> >management tools) is that it only works for the port
> >that you are currently building. If that port has
> >dependancies, the settings in pkgtools.conf for the
> >dependancies are not applied to the dependent port.
> >Instead you need to build the dependent ports first.
> >
> >Where as putting the variable into make.conf, will
> >allow the dependent port to always build with that
> >setting.
> Hmm.
> I don't think I have been bitten by this, but then I
> usually do a 'portupgrade -Rr -n' check on whatever I
> want to build, so I can see what dependencies need to
> be rebuilt first. Is this really a problem that other
> people have hit frequently?
The problem only occurs when a dependency is built the first time.
I wouldn't expect this to be particularly noticable. The most significant
options tend to be in leaf-ports, and important options in dependencies tend
to translate into slave-ports.
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