ports structure and improvement suggestions
Pav Lucistnik
pav at FreeBSD.org
Mon May 8 20:23:37 UTC 2006
Sideris Michael píše v po 08. 05. 2006 v 23:09 +0300:
> Edit its Makefile defining the KNOBS you want
You should never manually edit any files under /usr/ports
> install with its 5 KNOBS, is actually 10 ports with 10 KNOBS. So what? Well, you have to visit 10
> different port directories, after you find their location, go through 10 Makefiles to discover which
> of these ports can be configured by adding KNOBS to /etc/make.conf or by using the OPTIONS
> framework. And this is somewgar a mild case. There are ports with more than 20 dependencies and over
> 50 KNOBS.
make config-recursive
> Now, let's consider that somebody knows all these, which are not mentioned in that clear way
> through the handbook. He will need 2-5 minutes to configure his ports. Let me not talk about the
> average or new user.
I will not let you. Average or new user does not need to tune any ports.
He's satisfied with the defaults.
> modify the existing Makefiles to include the OPTIONS framework
That is the goal. Please submit patches whenever you hit the old style
> Also, it would be nice to include tools like portupgrade, not
> portupgrade, in the base system.
Yes, it would be nice. You're going to write it? It must be in shell
or in C. Expecting patches.
> I would like to hear your ideas and comments on the things I mentioned above.
The conclusion is: the code will not write by itself.
> One last thing. Without any intention to advertise anything, I have creating a shell script, that
> given a port name as an argument it can find, or at least try to find, recursively all the
> dependencies of this port along with the KNOBS associated with each port and display which of these
> ports are configured through the OPTIONS framework. You can fetch it from
> http://black.daemons.gr/msid/knoby and modify it to suit your needs. Thanks in advance.
It should not be necessary once we have OPTIONS everywhere, but, what
about a script that would emulate Gentoo's emerge -pv ? That would rock.
Pav Lucistnik <pav at oook.cz>
<pav at FreeBSD.org>
On real UNIX, /usr/bin/more prints -More-.
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