Broken dependency on expat.

Amarendra Godbole amarendra.godbole at
Wed Mar 29 04:38:32 UTC 2006


I tried to build apache22 from the ports (/usr/ports/www/apache22/).
Now, the initial build failed, because of a broken dependency on
libexpat - as apache22 needed a newer version than the one I had

So, I forcibly deinstalled, and reinstalled expat2 from
/usr/ports/textproc/expat2/, and apache22 built and installed fine.

So far so good...

...but upgrading libexpat removed the original link, and
put a caused all my X based programs, including
the window manager to break! X just refused to start, and so did many
other programs.

Now, I just put back the softlink, and poof...things
were up and running again...

So my question is: is there a better way to handle such a scenario? Or
in case of libraries, can't the original links be preserved, and new
links added (I guess this cannot be done).


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