Suggested port: open source Xara Xtreme
pfgshield-freebsd at
pfgshield-freebsd at
Tue Mar 21 16:06:30 UTC 2006
--- Vasil Dimov <vd at> ha scritto:
> In spite of the scary errors I continued hacking and hit some serious
> issue: they use a function malloc_usable_size() which is defined like
> this on linux, but unavailable for FreeBSD:
> /* Report the number of usable allocated bytes associated with allocated
> chunk __ptr. */
> extern size_t malloc_usable_size __MALLOC_P ((__malloc_ptr_t __ptr));
> Any ideas for alternatives?
Hmm...not really but here are two options:
- check the code to see what they did for MacOS X.
- It looks like devel/libdlmalloc might have it.
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