[kde-freebsd] sysutils/kdeadmin3: kpackage using wrong INDEX file

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 21:14:27 UTC 2006

On 3/8/06, Michael Nottebrock <lofi at freebsd.org> wrote:
> I'm curious - how and for what are you using kpackage at all? The BSD
> package management functions are rudimentary at best, and I've debated
> completely disabling it in the kdeadmin port multiple times.
Since I had a fresh install of KDE on the system, I was going thru the
installed KDE applicaions to see what they were like.  When I came 
across kpackage, I saw that it listed the installed ports, and their
version status.

I don't plan to use it to manage the installed ports.

> Also, it's possible now to move ${INDEXFILE} out of ${PORTSDIR}
> completely, which would require even more upstream maintenance to
> make kpackage properly cope.

I saw that in the kpackage options, and while I had a quick look at
kpackage/fbsdInterface.cpp, I wasn't sure where to patch a fix for it.

My best guess is that "INDEX" should be replaced by ${INDEXFILE} in that file.

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