Exim - Courier-Imap - imp/horde problem

tracy musaza cocko_mirindi at yahoo.fr
Sat Jun 24 15:59:12 UTC 2006

Dear All,
  I develop a mail server using  Exim - Courier-Imap - imp/horde, from MUA ( Thunder bird or Outlook express) my mail server work perfectly, then I would like to use a webmail ,my choice is IMP/HORDE.
  I'm installing IMP/Horde as webmail on my FreeBSD 6.0 box from ports . When I try to install Imp from ports:
  # cd /usr/ports/mail/imp
  # make install clean
  I get an error saying:
  verifying install for /usr/local/share/pear/PEAR.php  in  /usr/ports/devel/pear
  This port requires the CLI version of PHP,but you have all ready installed a PHP port without CLI.
  I try to deinstall php4 but no success,
  can someone give me help to fixe this problem!
  Coko Tracy

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