Google Earth for Linux works on FreeBSD

Ganbold ganbold at
Wed Jun 14 09:09:03 UTC 2006

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Ganbold <ganbold at> (from Wed, 14 Jun 2006 
> 14:12:56 +0900):
>> Works here with some glitch.
>> I got one time crash and probably it is not related to FreeBSD. Did
>> portupgrade few days ago.
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> gdaemon# googleearth
>> Google Earth has caught signal 11.
>> Stacktrace from glibc:
>>  ./googleearth-bin(__gxx_personality_v0+0x212) [0x804ab32]
>>  ./googleearth-bin [0x804b133]
>>  /lib/ [0x29d289ad]
>>  [0xbfbfffbf]
>>  /lib/ [0x29d22aea]
>>  /lib/ [0x29cc8017]
> Please tell us the linux_base port and linux-X11 port you use with 
> every bug report.
Sorry about that. When I installed google-earth from ports there were 
installed following as  a dependency packages:

linux-XFree86-libs- XFree86 libraries, Linux binary
linux_base-8-8.0_15 Base set of packages needed in Linux mode (for 
linux_dri-4.4.0     Binary Linux DRI libraries for 3D hardware 
acceleration of

> This may be a problem with the linux base port you are using.
> If you use any linux_base port different from the default one or from 
> fc4, please deinstall it it and install a "good one". 

Which one is "good one" then? I thought it could pick up the good one 
during the installation as a dependency. Maybe I'm wrong here or 
google-earth port should be updated to use good linux_base port.

> If you use fc4, you also have to use the linux-xorg libs instead of 
> the XFree86 ones (you most likely will not have hardware acceleration 
> then, we haven't updated the linux_dri port yet).

Google-earth complained using OpenGL with software emulation.  FYI, I 
have i945G board with integrated graphic card.



> Bye,
> Alexander.
> --Selling GoodYear Eagle F1 235/40ZR18, 2x 4mm + 2x 5mm, ~150 EUR
> you have to pick it up between Germany/Saarland and Luxembourg/Capellen
>    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7
>       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137
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