
Tarc tarc at
Mon Jun 12 23:58:43 UTC 2006

On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 05:34:55PM -0600, crs at wrote:
> Many ports in the ports collection provided with freeBSD 4.11 (on
> the CD) pop up a DOS-like pseudo-GUI if I enter "sudo make" from
> the directory of the port.

Many ports in ports(7) collection has different options, which you can select to modify some behaveor of port building process and/or post-install usage.
For example, lang/python can be builded with IPv6 support, if you choise this. and if you've not choised that, you'll be not able to use IPv6 network addresses in your python programs.

The standart packages builded with default options and you can install them, or simulate behavior of `defining default options' by defining `BATCH=yes' in your /etc/make.conf

Some additional information about navigation in psevdo-GUI you can found in dialog(1), and about installing from ports(7) collection - in HandBook and in Porters Handbook (yes, you may not want create or maintain port, but you can understand some additional info about)
   Best regards,
   	Arseny Nasokin

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