FreeBSD Port: net/quagga

Doug Barton dougb at
Sun Jun 11 06:35:58 UTC 2006

Sam Lawrance wrote:

> In that case we should remove the check from portlint, until
> USE_RC_ORDER is no longer required by supported systems.  Otherwise it's
> just another confusing portlint warning. 

I disagree. I would rather have to change a small number of ports back that
really do need it, than to continue having ports that don't need it
needlessly spam /etc/rc.d. I maintain a lot of ports that have weirdness in
them that portlint doesn't like. It's a tool, not a report card. :)

> The port author removed it because portlint said it was deprecated.

Even if that is true, it sparked a lively discussion, so it's not all bad.

> Can USE_RC_ORDER still be used on all supported FreeBSD versions without
> negative effect?

As far as I know, yes, but that's not really the point. For those systems
that are past the local_startup merge, it's better to have them install
their ports startup script in $PREFIX, since that is the direction that all
of this is ultimately moving towards. I have no objection to preserving
legacy behavior for those ports (and systems) that really do need it, but
those that don't shouldn't be hamstrung by it.

>  If there is a need to conditionalize behaviour on
> OSVERSION, it could be handled in (depending on how many
> ports need it, really).

I agree with both parts of your statement here. My intent was to provide a
solution that would work immediately to make life a little easier on the
port author. If this really does turn out to be a larger problem, then a
larger solution is a SMOP.



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