FreeBSD Port: mysql-server-4.1.16

Julien Lirochon jlirochon at
Tue Jan 31 02:57:34 PST 2006


Could I suggest to enable -DWITH_LINUXTHREADS by default on 
mysql41-server port ?

I'm running 5.4 stable, and 6.0 stable, on several machines.

CPUTYPE=pentium4 or CPUTYPE=athlon

If I intall the mysql-server port by "make install", the resulting 
mysqld just can't work. It keeps crashing again and again, even under 
very very low stress.

I have no more problem with -DWITH_LINUXTHREADS. I don't know if any 
other thread lib are working the same way or better, but I just want to 
say that the default port was totally unusable for me. I think it could 
be more suitable if it just worked with the default setup.

Thank you for your great work,
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