ports tree tagging again

Paul Schmehl pauls at utdallas.edu
Thu Aug 17 14:41:32 UTC 2006

Kris Kennaway wrote:
>>> I'm not going to support this effort as part of the CVS ports tree
>>> (for the usual reasons when this comes up every few months), but
>> If this comes up every few months, then it's really needed, isn't it?
> No, it means that a handful of people think that it would be great if
> the rest of the people all started doing more work to support their
> idea.
As a maintainer of several ports, I can assure you that I would not be 
interested in doing *more* work on the ports than I already am.  And my 
ports are relatively simple ones.  Imagine the guys who do KDE and Gnome 
and Xorg being asked to at least double their work.....

Sometimes you have to keep in mind that we're all volunteers here and 
many of us are already very busy with paying jobs as well.

If someone wants to pay my salary, I'd be happy to work on FreeBSD stuff 

Paul Schmehl (pauls at utdallas.edu)
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas
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