Resin3 under FreeBSD 6.x / amd64 fails to build ...

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jbq at
Tue Apr 11 17:45:41 UTC 2006

* Marc G. Fournier:
> something obvious that I've missed here?
> cc -shared -L/usr/lib -o jni_os.o jni_jvmti.o jni_jvmdi.o -pthread
> /usr/bin/ld: jni_os.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
> jni_os.o: could not read symbols: Bad value

Hello Marc,

Have you been able to  arrange something that works?  I'm building
resin-2.1.17_1 successfully on i386 with Apache 2 support.

I  heard  complaints for  other  ports  on the  amd  architecture.
Adding CFLAGS=-fPIC seems to be the solution.  Does anyone have an
explanation about this cryptic « -fPIC »  option?  I would love to
add it to my ports if I  could understand why it is not handled by
the ports infrastructure.

Oh,  and  by  the  way  you may  address  build  failures  to  the
maintainer (I am  for resin2) next time as there  is better chance
that I read it in a timely manner.

Concerning resin3, there is an open PR that waits for an available
committer.  See

Best regards,
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana Qwerty

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