[solved] Re: Java (jdk1.5) woes with firefox (1.0.6) and opera (8.5)

Mike Hunter mhunter at ack.berkeley.edu
Mon Oct 10 15:25:30 PDT 2005

On Oct 10, "Greg Lewis" wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 12:08:22AM +0300, Panagiotis Astithas wrote:
> > Mike Hunter wrote:
> > >After learning a bit about freebsd package management, I figured out how to
> > >upgrade to the latest Xorg (and make sure I'm actually using it :) ):
> > >
> > >xdpyinfo | grep -i ersi 
> > >version number:    11.0
> > >X.Org version: 6.8.2
> > >
> > >But I'm still plagued with the same crash.  Is there any chance that the
> > >java vm is using an old libawt or something like that?
> > >
> > >Thanks for all the help so far and I appreciate whatever else anybody has
> > >to offer :)
> > 
> > You might want to try rebuilding the jdk with the recent patches on 
> > freebsd-java to use the XToolkit AWT implementation instead of the 
> > MToolkit one. Since the crash you originally mentioned involves libmawt, 
> > that seems like a reasonable thing to do.
> > 
> > On second thought, you don't even need to rebuild jdk15. Just do as 
> > instructed here:
> > 
> > http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/awt/1.5/xawt.html
> That was going to be my next suggestion :).  As Panagiotis said, just
> read that page and look at the environment variables you need to set
> to try the XToolkit with an applet.  Hopefully that helps, since I'm fast
> running out of ideas!

Thanks everybody, it's working.  After I stopped misinterpreting the 
instructions ("export AWT_TOOLKIT=XToolkit", is the *opposite* of
"export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit"), the applet comes up quickly and the
graphics are fine.  The fact that the applet subsequently causes the
java vm to take 99% CPU and has to be killed is only a slight downer at
this point :|

I pointed my browser at other sites with applets and they seem to work
fine.  Is there any favorite site with a simple applet people use to check
if their java plugin stuff is working?  I stumbled across yale's "ssh
applet" and it seemed to work well....

Thanks again for everybody's help.


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