Another administrative variable: NOFETCHFILES

Kris Kennaway kris at
Sat Oct 8 08:54:10 PDT 2005

On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 11:11:23PM -0700, Bill Fenner wrote:
> >This is already covered by existing variables.  e.g. if the port
> >should not be fetched, IGNORE or NO_PACKAGE will be set.
> There have forever been ports that have one file that needs to be
> fetched by hand and others that can be fetched with the normal system;
> emulators/stonx had one in 1999.  It makes sense to ask the distfile
> survey to check the ones that are automatically fetchable but not call
> the port bad if the one that has to be fetched by hand can't be fetched.

Can you find another example?  stonx is now fetchable.

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