FreeBSD Port: sympa-4.1.2_2

j_f_b jfb at
Wed May 25 04:14:42 PDT 2005


I am using sympa to managed mailing lists.

Users of the web interface World Wide Sympa have problems to delete old 
archives. The http server returns an internal server error (500) and I 
can read this in  apache log :
" FastCGI: server "/usr/local/www/fcgi.bin/wwsympa.fcgi" stderr: 
Undefined subroutine &main::do_arc_delete called at 
/usr/local/www/fcgi.bin/wwsympa.fcgi line 709."

I looked for information about this on the web and I found it could be 
related to the sympa known bug number 301 :
"wwsympa/: wwsympa.fcgi: [BugID 301] do_arc_delete() subroutine was 
inadvertently removed"
For information, I add this link :

This seems to have been corrected in newer releases of sympa.

Could you check I am not wrong and make the necessary updates in ports.

Thanks in advance


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