PHP5 and MySQL 5 - undefined function mysql_connect

Yujin Boby vu3prx at
Tue May 17 11:23:58 PDT 2005

> does mysqli_connect() function works?

No, i am still getting error
Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

> 1. IMaybe the make.conf line should be

I modified /etc/make.conf and deinstalled php and
php5-extensions and installed both with make install

But it won't solve the problem.

> 2. Make sure you have the databases/mysql50-client
> port installed (e.g. 
> pkg_info | grep mysql )

It is installed.

server16# pkg_info | grep mysql
mysql-client-5.0.3_1 Multithreaded SQL database
mysql-server-5.0.3_1 Multithreaded SQL database
php5-mysql-5.0.4_1  The mysql shared extension for php

> 3. For mysql_connect() support, select mysql support
> and not only mysqli 
> within the php-extensions port.

I don't install MySQli port as it show error, MySQL is
checkd and no errors are show.

But i am getting error when i install port at

server16# cd /usr/ports/databases/php5-mysql
server16# make
===>  php5-mysql-5.0.4_1 is marked as broken: unknown
MySQL version: 5.



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