successful installation of VMWare on FreeBSD ?

Scot Hetzel swhetzel at
Wed May 11 13:23:25 PDT 2005

On 5/1/05, George Kouryachy <frbrgeorge at> wrote:
> On 4/29/05, hb4j at <hb4j at> wrote:
> > has anyone been able to successfully install VMWare on FreeBSD ? (of course with
> > the linux compat)
> You can also look at for
> VMWare4 unofficial port
I had a look at the above site's freebsd.linuxator-gettid.diff patch
to the FreeBSD kernel and these changes have been added to -CURRENT,
as long as you have at least these revisions of the kernel sources
VMware 4 should work on -CURRENT:

    sys/i386/linux/linux_machdep.c 1.44+
    sys/i386/linux/linux_proto.h 1.61+
    sys/i386/linux/linux_syscall.h 1.55+
    sys/i386/linux/linux_sysent.c 1.62+
    sys/i386/linux/syscalls.master 1.58+

If we could get someone to MFC these changes to the RELENG_5 branch,
then VMware 4 should work there also.


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