Man pages question...
Frank Laszlo
laszlof at
Mon May 9 11:47:05 PDT 2005
Ganael Laplanche wrote:
>>>Hi all !
>>>I'm updating the aMule port and having questions about manpages management...
>>>aMule installs man pages in several languages, *BUT* each language doesn't
>>>provide the sames pages (different names or missing ones)... How can I deal with
>>>this ?
>>>The porter's handbook don't tell too much about this... Should I hardcode each
>>>man page in the pkg-plist ? Or do you have any hint ?
>>>Thank you very much,
>>Firstly, manpages do not belong in the pkg-plist. they are defined in
>>the Makefile for the port. MAN1, MAN2, MAN3, etc.. Unless you can find
>>a way to verify a users locale settings (im sure theres an env/make
>>var for this) you could just default to english only, and setup hooks
>>for alternate languages.
>>.if defined(MAN_LANG)
>>MAN1= foo-${MAN_LANG} bar-${MAN_LANG}
>>MAN6= blah-${MAN_LANG}
>>MAN1= foo bar
>>MAN6= blah
>>Something like this should work. Hope that helps.
>>-Frank Laszlo
>(CC'ed to the list...)
>Hi Frank,
>The main pb is that this way, each man page must exist in each language. Here is
>an example :
>MANLANG= "" de es fr hu
>MAN1+= amulecmd.1
>MAN1+= amuleweb.1
>Here, you will automatically get this list of files "added" to pkg-plist :
>But, what if hu doesn't provide amulecmd.1 ??? I get errors when deinstalling
>the port... Is there any way to manage this ?
You could explicitly define the manpages for each LANG, dependong on how
many languages are supported, this would probably be the easiest way.
.if ${MANLANG} == "en"
MAN1+= amulecmd.1 amuleweb.1
.elseif ${MANLANG} == "de"
MAN1+= blah.1
Hope this helps.
Frank Laszlo
System Administrator
The VonOstin Group
Email: laszlof at
Mobile: 248-863-7584
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