cvs as port's download source

John Mitchell jmitchell at
Fri Mar 25 09:18:53 PST 2005

This one time, at band camp, Sergei Gnezdov wrote:
> On 2005-03-25, Roman Neuhauser <neuhauser at> wrote:
> > # use-reply-to at / 2005-03-25 06:40:39 +0000:
> >> Does it make sense to create a FreeBSD port with download location
> >> beeing CVS tree at some particular day?
> >
> >     You mean instead of fetching a tarball from MASTER_SITES it would
> >     check out a working copy from a particular date, and build that?
> Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
> >     There are / were several ports that do exactly this.
> I don't understand "/".
> Can you give me a name of at least one port as an example?

If I had a plantation in Georgia and a home in Hell, I'd sell the
plantation and go home.
		-- Eugene P. Gallagher
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