
Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Sat Mar 19 08:28:08 PST 2005

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

> My German is only good enough to get the general drift; I missed some
> of the details.  I can't find confirmation anywhere else, anyway.
> Note that Acroread 7 is currently the only Acroread in the FreeBSD
> ports tree.

> > Acroread 7 is reported to be a Beta version issued for a Dutch customer,
> > German language article: <>

The article says essentially that the Acroread 7 download is a
pre-release, and the link to the FTP directory quickly found its way
into the public as it was accidentally omitted to mark it as beta or
pre-release. Heise references an Adobe employee on this.

On, the Linux-version is offered (switch "taal" = language
to "Engels" (English)). The final version is supposed to be available in
the middle of this year.

Matthias Andree

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