incr-Tcl/Tk needs an update

Pedro F. Giffuni giffunip at
Sun Mar 13 13:34:16 PST 2005


I want to update iwidgets to the latest (4.0.1) version so that in the future
BRLCAD doesn't install it's own, however I have no idea about Tcl/TK, and there
are several issues:

- itcl depends on Tcl8.3 .. any idea if it will work with Tcl/Tk 8.4 ?

- the ports haven't been touched in ages.. they build fine but we don't build
them the way it's supposed to be done... autoconf, etc.

- We never build iTcl in a single tree.. we extract itcl in one port and itk in
another port. I tried updating these two ports but I get many testing error

- In the last version iwidgets has been separated from itcl, which is great
because the "new" itcl distribution (3.2.1) is smaller, however I still need to
point to the place where itcl sources are in order to configure iwidgets.

I would like some feedback, or even help ;-).. otherwise I think it would be
better to start a new iTcl port from scratch.



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