Can't get perl-after-upgrade to run
Christopher Kelley
bsd at
Sun Jun 26 16:57:43 GMT 2005
Dominique Goncalves wrote:
>On 6/26/05, Christopher Kelley <bsd at> wrote:
>>I just updated my perl5.8 from 5.8.6_2 to 5.8.7 and I can't get the
>>perl-after-upgrade utility to run. It's really baffling me and I'm sure
>>I'll learn something new in this, but I've run out of ideas. I am logged
>>in as root. I've tried "./perl-after-upgrade" (in the
>>/usr/ports/lang/perl5.8/files) directory and it says
>>"./perl-after-upgrade: Command not found" I thought maybe it was
>>something with the dashes in the name, so I renamed it with the same
>>result. I copied it to my /root subdirectory and tried the original
>>name and a new name with the same result, even though a couple scripts I
>>wrote run just fine from /root. I checked the permissions and they are
>>The only thing that "worked" was to run "sh perl-after-upgrade" but I
>>get an error:
>>root at lion:/usr/ports/lang/perl5.8/files# sh perl-after-upgrade
>>=pod: not found
>>=head1: not found
>>Unknown option `--'
>> perl-after-upgrade
>> perl-after-upgrade -v
>> perl-after-upgrade -f
>>=head1: not found
>>fastest_cvsup-0.2.9_1: 0 moved, 0 modified, 0 adjusted
>>portupgrade-20041226_4: 0 moved, 0 modified, 0 adjusted
>>Fixed 0 packages (0 files moved, 0 files modified)
>>Skipped 21 packages
>>fastest_cvsup-0.2.9_1: 0 moved, 0 modified, 0 adjusted
>>portupgrade-20041226_4: 0 moved, 0 modified, 0 adjusted
>>Fixed 0 packages (0 files moved, 0 files modified)
>>Skipped 21 packages
>>perl-after-upgrade version 1.2
>>=head1: not found
>>perl-after-upgrade: 26: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
>>Exit 2
>>root at lion:/usr/ports/lang/perl5.8/files#
>>And, if I type "sh perl-after-upgrade -f" I get the EXACT same output
>>as above, leading me to believe it is ignoring the -f option.
>>I'm stumped. or is this the expected output and I'm too dense to
>>understand it?
>Use /usr/local/bin/perl-after-upgrade
>Best regards.
That did the trick. Then a (rare) moment of clarity - I should have run
"rehash" after portupgrade so it could find the newly installed script.
Don't know why that didn't occur to me before.
Thanks for the help!
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